
Support Orphans

Sponsor a child in Nigeria

We have been helping children in Nigeria since 2010. Despite Nigeria being oil-rich, hundreds of thousands live in crippling poverty. Crime and HIV/AIDS are on the increase. We help vulnerable children with free education and also provide support to their families.

With CLIM Children’s School, you can help orphaned and less privileged children in Nigeria by sponsoring a child education

Sponsor a child in Nigeria

In Nigeria, poverty and HIV/AIDS impact the lives of millions

Around 63% of’s population live in abject poverty. Many thousands live in shacks without the basics like clean water and sanitation, needed to provide stability. An increase in crime and violence in some areas has made life increasingly dangerous for the people of Nigeria

HIV/AIDS has a terrible impact on the people of Nigeria. Approximately 3.3 million are living with the disease and over 200,000 die every year.

Map Of Nigeria

Children in Nigeria

  • In Nigeria, around 15 million children are engaged in child labour, many in very dangerous conditions. Some children work in hazardous industries, where they are potentially exposed to toxic fumes and dangerous machinery.
  • About 360,000 children live with HIV/AIDS. The disease is a major cause of the increasing poverty in the country. Children with the disease, or who live with people with the disease, face issues such as losing their parents, neglect and social discrimination.
  • The child mortality rate stands at 138 per 1,000 live births. Around 30% of children under the age of five are underweight.
  • Our Charity Work in Nigeria
  • Leki Ajah
  • Our first School in Nigeria was established in LekkiAjah, a suburb of Lagos, in 2013 which started as a Vocational Training centre and in 2016 CLIM  Welfare Nursery and primary School. The children receive their education at the CLIM Welfare Nursery and Primary in Lagos.
  • Ota
  • With the need for a second school in Nigeria, we opened the second CLIM Children’s School in Ota also in 2016.
  • We are already planning a community support project which will be opened in the centre of Lagos in 2017. It will provide a variety of social programmes including skills training for women and assistance and support for people affected by HIV/AIDS.
  • We also have plan to acquire A proportion of the large site that will be used to set up a small farming project where cassava, yam, plantains, corn,Tomatoes and vegetable  to provide food for the family of orphans and the less privileged in our  CLIM Children school.


Local Contact

CLIM Welfare Nursery and Primary School Nigeria.

P.O.Box 12010 Ikeja



Tel: +2348032156475, +2348054589133  

Email: info.clim.free.educationafrica@gmail.com

CLIM Children School is not political and sponsored children are given the best free education and love God.

International Contact

Europe Contact: info.clim.free.education@gmail.com , Tel:  +35699393014


You see children suffering in the Nigeria – but you don’t know how to help

We all see many children suffering around us in Nigeria, and we want to do something about it. But finding the best way to help can be overwhelming.

Millions of children need support, and there are so many charities out there.

 How you choose to donate will affect children’s lives: whether they go to school or not because these will determine a child’s future.

This is to introduce Clim Welfare Nursery and Primary School and to let you know is a registered NGO under CAC and Ogun State and Lagos State.   

To the glory of God CLIM Welfare Nursery and Primary School is the first NGO to provide free private Nursery and Primary school education in Ota  Ogun State  and LekkiAjah Lagos State and Clim NGO/Charity/Home is one of the major contributor into educating the street  children and less privileged children in  the community.

This is also to confirm that Clim NGO/CHARITY/HOME are not into any competition with private school organization because Clim NGO/CHARITY//HOME  are only strictly targeting and helping to educating street children and less privileged children in the community.   

 With so much to consider, you need to know the facts about the charity you choose.

  • How do you make the right decision By looking for that charity could promise:
  • To give a vulnerable child a free education and also provide support continuous help for the child.
  • Regular updates on your child’s progress
  • Updates on how your donation is being used
  • to be trustworthy and transparent
  • A long history of working locally to deliver support where it’s needed
  • 80 per cent of every donation you give will go towards the free education of  the children
  • To have a positive and long-term impact on children education.

The vision God gave the founder is to provide the street children and less privileged Pupil and their parent with gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ  through Clim NGO/Charity/Home free education to the street children and  the less privileged pupil in the community while their parents  are free from expenses and problem of  educating their less privileged children through Clim welfare nursery and primary school free education include free school uniforms, free notebooks, free writing materials, free textbooks and free school  tables  and chairs and payment of teachers’ salary.

You can sponsor a child from 100 Naira to 1000 Naira a month, and 80 percent your sponsorship will be used for the care of orphaned and abandoned children.

 We plan to build schools for the orphans and the less privileged in each community in Nigeria and Africa.

But we don’t just want to provide free children to the less privileged children but we plan to ensure the children receive quality education and all the support they need to flourish in life.

Please support to help us give these children a better future

Join our supporters and help give a child a free education.



Become Our Partners

Since 2010 we have built a foundation of trust with donors, governments, and other partners who support us in our mission. Our greatest responsibility is guaranteeing free education of orphans and the less privileged children by ensuring high standards of free education. In doing this we are committed to using all our resources wisely, with respect and accountability.

Sponsor a child

CLIM School Nigeria is mainly funded through donations from individuals and organisations.

There are many ways in which you can help as well.

Private donors in Europe funded all the start-up cost of our two schools in Nigeria and provided all necessary education materials needed to start the free education for the orphans and less the privileged children in Nigeria including free school uniforms, free notebooks, free textbooks, free writing materials and etc. We look for increase to an increase in local support and involvement from the business community, Government and the general public.

Many children need many friends. Friends to share the responsibility of their education now and in the future. There are many ways of furthering the aims of CLIM free education to the orphans and less privileged children in Nigeria.


Please we will like to publish your names through the media as one of our major corporations which gives CLIM Children’s School in Nigeria a really important support to running cost of free education to help the orphaned and less privileged to have a free education that will give them a hope for their future  Again, there are many ways in which you can help  and there is flexibility in amount and duration where required.

We will arrange for you to receive all the usual sponsorship communications for your child including a photograph and regular updates.  As a sponsor, you will receive updates about your child, be able to write to them, and will see the difference your money is making over the years.   We will also send you updates on how your sponsored child is progressing in their education.    

Sponsoring is an excellent way of helping children who, through no fault of their own, have nothing and no-one.  This may be due to conflict, famine, natural disaster, poverty or a host of other reasons.  You are welcome to write and send small gifts to your sponsored child in their school and you can also visit them in the school and take picture with them.  

This means you can see the change you make as your child grows up. You can write to your sponsored child in the school, and make extra gifts for birthdays and special occasions. You can sponsor a child from 100 Naira to 1000 Naira to 5000 Naira a month, and 80% of your sponsorship will be used for the care of orphaned and less privilege children in the school. The remaining 20% will help us raise the money we need to reach even more children, and enable us to make sure that we are operating to highest of standards.     

With your help we can continue to care and provide free education  for children who have no-one else. Please find a place in your will to help them   It could mean the life-changing opportunity of education for a vulnerable child. Your gift can help to ensure that our work continues into the future and gives hope for a lifetime.  Every gift makes a difference.

A monthly donation or make a one-off donation to CLIM Children’s School today will give them a new family and a free education to give them hope for their future in a CLIM Welfare Nursery and Primary School. Sponsoring a child can support the future of one of the children attending CLIM NGO welfare nursery and primary school.

You can give regularly, or as a one-off payment by sponsoring a child for their whole childhood.  To do this you can make a one-off gift any amount from 100 Naira to 1000 Naira to 10,000 Naira to 100,000 to 1,000000 to 3,000000.  

This will pay for the sponsorship for a child until she or he is grown up and independent. Plus 100 Naira to 1,000 to  5,000 Naira on every birthday will go into a savings account for your sponsored child.   

Make a one-off donation

 SPONSORSHIP – THROUGH  BANK TRANSFER-  CLIM NGO Bank account, Christian link international ministry aka CLIM GTB Bank 0051709502.  –  At CLIM welfare nursery and primary school donation play a pivotal part administration of our free education to this street children and the less privileged.

Donate by writing us cheque

  If this is something you’re interested in, we’d love to hear from you. Give us a call our local phone 08032156475 or our Europe  International Phone no + 35699393014 or email us at (clim.free.education@gmail.com) or (clim.welfare.primaryschool@gmail.com) and one of the team will be happy to help from you.



Sponsoring a CLIM child or more, gives you a chance to share in the expenses of some of basic life necessities a child needs. Make a difference to our children.


Sponsoring a CLIM Classroom Pupils that mostly consists of 10 to 20 pupils, gives you a chance to share in the expenses of their education.


Sponsoring one school you will help children to have a lovely school where they receive free education with other less privileged Pupils. A CLIM Children School in Nigeria has between 100-150 Pupils.

These include kindergarten and primary schools within the same school compound which provide free education for all the children in the communities including free school uniforms, free notebooks, free textbooks, and writing materials and payment of teachers’ salaries.  There are many ways in which you can help and there is flexibility in amount and duration where required.

We will arrange for you to receive all the usual sponsorship communications for your child including a photograph and regular updates.  

As a sponsor, you will receive updates about your child, be able to write to them, and will see the difference your money is making over the years.  


We will also send you updates on how your sponsored child is progressing in their education.     

Sponsoring is an excellent way of helping children who, through no fault of their own, have nothing and no-one.

This may be due to conflict, famine, natural disaster, poverty or a host of other reasons.  You are welcome to write and send small gifts to your sponsored child in their school and you can also visit them in the school and take picture with them.

This means you can see the change you make as your child grows up. You can write to your sponsored child in the school, and make extra gifts for birthdays and special occasions. You can sponsor a child from 100 Naira to 1000 Naira to 5000 Naira a month, and 80% of your sponsorship will be used for the care of orphaned and less privileged children in the school. The remaining 20% will help us raise the money we need to reach even more children, and enable us to make sure that we are operating to the highest of standards.      

With your help we can continue to care and provide free education for children who have no-one else. Please find a place in your will to help them.  It could mean the life-changing opportunity of education for a vulnerable child. Your gift can help to ensure that our work continues into the future and gives hope for a lifetime.  Every gift makes a difference.

A monthly donation or make a one-off donation to CLIM Children’s School today will give them a new family and a free education to give them hope for their future in a CLIM Welfare Nursery and Primary School.

Sponsoring a child can support the future of one of the children attending CLIM NGO welfare nursery and primary school. You can give regularly, or as a one-off payment by sponsoring a child for their whole childhood.  To do this you can make a one-off gift any amount from 100 Naira to 1000 Naira to 10,000 Naira to 100,000 to 1,000000 to 3,000000.

This will pay for a sponsorship for a child until she or he is grown up and independent. Plus 100 Naira to 1,000 to  5,000 Naira on every birthday will go into a savings account for your sponsored child.  

Make a one-off donation

SPONSORSHIP – THROUGH BANK TRANSFER – CLIM NGO Bank account, Christian link international ministry aka CLIM GTB Bank 0051709502.  –  At CLIM welfare nursery and primary school donation play a pivotal part administration of our free education to this street children and the less privileged.

Donate by writing us cheque

If this is something you’re interested in, we’d love to hear from you. Give us a call our local phone 08032156475 or our Europe  International Phone no + 35699393014 or email us at (clim.free.education@gmail.com) or (clim.welfare.primaryschool@gmail.com) and one of the team will be happy to help from you.  




Our Child Sponsor

The support of individuals and Corporate Organization is being very important for CLIM Free Education in Nigeria. Thanks to our Child Sponsors for their contributions. The organization has been able to give free education to children who had none before. Therefore, we would like to thank publicly all those who have helped us over the years and encourage others to join us.


Call us now

call our local phone 08032156475 or our Europe International Phone no + 35699393014 or email us at (info.clim.free.educationafrica@gmail.com) or (info.clim.free.education@gmail.com) and one of the team will be happy to help hear from you.

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